
Clinical Pharmacist On-Site

Clinical pharmacy services are an important aspect of our work as your healthcare provider. Our clinical pharmacists are working to improve patients’ safe and effective utilization of medications, supplements, and vitamins. They work with providers and patients on medication ordering, storage, administration, dosing, and drug interactions.

In addition, the clinical pharmacy staff:

  • Provides assistance to patients in obtaining needed medications.
  • Assures medications costs are as reasonable as possible, both in the clinic and for patients at home.
  • Provides regular diabetes consultations and asthma consultations,
  • Operates an anti-coagulation clinic on site.
  • Facilitates an effective smoking cessation program.
  • Assists clinicians at NOHN to assure safe medication storage and handling.
  • May join patient’s office visits to consult with patients and providers about appropriate medications, medication use by those with multiple conditions, medication/supplement/herbal interactions, and other medicine-related topics.
  • Supports community outreach and education through articles, presentations, and clinic-generated materials that provide important information about all kinds of medications.